Friday, May 1, 2020

Gifford Brewster

Gifford Brewster

From the hospital by ambulance to
Royal Megansett Nursing Home,
I go. For two weeks I'm in quarantine.
Then a roommate comes.

Skinny, long scraggly, unkempt beard,
with a black patch over left eye,
wearing a red watch-cap and mismatched
clothes, the eighty year old is assigned the next bed.

Gifford Brewster's surname and given name
indicate a lineage from the early days
of Europeans on Cape Cod. He shows
traits of those old Yankees. I ask if he's
from Falmouth and get just one word – Nope.
He's crotchety, taciturn, and stingy with word.

Gifford is from one of the islands, was a plumber
and has a house mate to help him. What brought
him to the hospital and what his many health
problems are, I don't know.

His ancestors created the character of the area.
They were frugal, hard working people,
and they gave money to fund schools,
libraries, museums and hospitals.
These institutions, some with the names
of the benefactors, continue to serve us.

The infirm man in the next bed has
this as his heritage whether he knows
it or not. All New England today
shares in the patrimony.

View from window at sunset at Royal Megansett.

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