Tuesday, August 15, 2017



Today seed packets arrived.
Nothing special, just some herbs
and one of miniature tomatoes.
My mind wanders as I plant
in my big black pots,
I think back seventy years.

I think of the Victory Garden
in our back yard. The family
worked together in the small patch,
which seemed big to me. Spading,
hoeing, weeding, watering
and then weeks later we picked
carrots, sweet corn - dad's favorite,
tomatoes, squash and pole beans.
In those days horse drawn wagons
were still common. When a horse left
dung in the street, children with their
spades rushed to collect it for the gardens.

Today seed packets arrived. I set
my container garden on the deck.
My mind roams as I plant.
I think ahead thirty days.
How I'll savor what comes
from these seeds.

This year's container garden

tomatoes to be

parsley and basil

tomatoes waiting to turn red

1 comment:

  1. Nostalgic,Jack. How well I remember your many poems and photos of past container gardens!
