Sunday, April 14, 2019

When They Became Senior Citizens

When They Became Senior Citizens

At the Home, her life as a child she told,
time in the woods and the bears so bold.
Those memories bothered and made her sad,
when the nurse gave pills it wasn't so bad.

Hansel and Gretel
With grand kids around, chuckling he sits,
tells how to trick an evil woman with wits.
He and Auntie in a cage with just a bone,
that they escaped a fate is well known.

She remembers well those trying days,
getting free of that cackle, they had ways.
Even today she shudders to think,
they might have been goners in a wink.

Snow White
The prince's death years ago she does mourn,
time with the little folks she doesn't scorn.
With now her grand children she enjoys,
plays, sings, and kisses those girls and boys.

Jack and the Beanstalk
He now lives happily with his oldest son,
suffered from vertigo when all was done.
On the ground floor is his bed,
he checks carefully what's in the bread,

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