Sunday, July 15, 2018



Nonna, as grandmother was known, was the most
loving of women. I remember being
hugged and kissed almost beyond reason.
Nonna never learned English, she couldn't
read or write in any language. When shopping
she recognized what she wanted by
the packaging, and sometimes got it wrong.
Most of her shopping was at specialty shops -
one for chicken, one for cheese, one shop
for vegetables - it was like that.
Nonna had seven children for whom she
lovingly cared. Nonna also worked as a seamstress.
She was an exceptional woman.

Some time before I was born, Pa, grandfather,
became a batterer. Back in the “old country”
as it was called, Nonna would have known what to do.
There were town and village elders, her and his extended
family and religious leader to appeal to. But here
there was none of that. Then the beatings moved from
just Nonna to the children, this must not be.
Nonna moved from the house and moved the children
to the houses of friends. She was given advice that
the courts could help. She appealed to the court,
with my aunt being the translator. The judge order
Pa out of the house. Nonna had to work more and
structure the home to be sure all the children were
properly cared for.

Nonna, now about a hundred and fifty years after
her birth, is looking down with pride. She can see
among her grand children and great grand children
doctors, educators, engineers, and other professionals
contributing skills and knowledge to the
country she loved.

highly modified picture from web

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