Sunday, October 15, 2017

At the Monocular Golem

At the Monocular Golem

I sit and check the
U S B;
was there a Mr. Euesby,
or is it
You Es Bee,
Ewe Essby,
what does it mean?

And there's
a "C" drive as well as
a "D" and "E" and "F"
"G', "H" and "I";
but why neither "A" nor "B?"

It freezes,
gets spammed and catches viruses;
it accumulates garbage
but recycles.
Who knows why.

I give up trying to understand
it and its hows and whys,

but I can't give up
the one eyed 'droid.

(This is an older piece which I've revived.)

1 comment:

  1. A good update/revision. A little bit fresher now. A lesson to all of us to revise,rewrite, and repeat again until it becomes the bery best possible. Thanks for the lesson!
