Friday, June 30, 2017



Outside the window a hardy yew shrub thrives.
From a branch hangs a “koi no bori,” that is
a carp banner, with its head pointing up.
They are seen in profusion in Japan
during the May Children's Day holiday.
The flag is meant to inspire the young to achieve.

Why a carp, a common food item?
Why not a lion, why not an eagle?
A carp, an animal of courage and tenacity,
with all its strength and resolve swims
up rivers and waterfalls to reach its goal.
The same is hoped for the child.

When I sit composing a poem,
when I am blocked and don't know
what to put on paper,
I glance out the window, I see the carp
and I write.

1 comment:

  1. Your Japanese "roots" are showing and they are deep and strong. I say this knowing just how ling and fully you lived and learbed there. It's all imbued, engrained and firmed your Zen soul!
